You probably want to filter the water itself, because a number of reasons. First, there is no need to spend hundreds of dollars on bottled water and certainly on a budget. Secondly, it is a desperate need to go home because you worry about the filter on the quality of tap water. Yes, the tap water in our house is claimed by the worst flood that is becoming more intense. So, we want to ensure that our family is the best water.
Yes, you could actually filter the water itself. L 'The materials are relatively easy to find in your local store, and are usually built within 2 to 3 hours. We call it the gravity to filter water at home. You can filter the items, a pin and dry. Or you can a box of sand or silica, you can run water through the layer. Has several advantages. There is no need to use electricity. But there is a problem, however, you should know from this home-made filters, you can not get clean drinking water.
The filter can be cheap, but puttingYou and your family in danger. Why is that? A home filter will not be able to filter the water perfect. As you know, your water contains microorganisms (eg bacteria) or dissolved in a unit. Some of them can easily pass the filter, and the result is a health hazard. Risk the health of your family with a $ 50 water filter is not a wise decision.
You need a strong filter, water ionizer, which will keep your health. These two together will keep youthe right path of health, I have experienced myself. I have a water ionizer with built-in water filter and, consequently, our health is better. The produced water contains free radicals, toxic chemicals act to detoxify the body. We love it and feel happy to buy it. However, you can still choose whether to create its own water treatment, but there is always risk, because the water is not produced by controlled laboratory certificate.
IfHe wants badly to make your own water filter, I suggest you do so and take the water produced is made to ensure that pests are not already there. Otherwise, you can choose a healthy water ionizer with built-in water filter.
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